Another Mopar Off My Bucket List - Barracuda Fastback

No go on the mason jars. I haven't been able to swallow. I can suck a bit of ice water onto my tongue to keep it wet but anything more and I gag.

I don't know what they call the space in your mouth that is directly below your tongue, but I don't have it anymore. The floor of my mouth has now swollen and is holding up on my tongue. Talking is near impossible. I am able to make moaning noises. It's great if you're into zombie flicks but really puts a damper on conversations.

I tried to sleep. I bundled up as good as I could - in an effort to combat the fever & chills. It was really strange. Within a minute of lying down I was asleep. -BUT I kept waking up every 5-10 minutes. I kept thinking that I'd slept for a few hours but when I looked at the clock I could see otherwise. I felt like Bill Murray in Groundhog Day.

Around 4a.m. I woke up with the absolute worst taste in my mouth and for once I couldn't blame it on Teresa's cooking. That swollen area below my tongue had burst. I was spitting up blood left and right. (actually I wasn't able to spit so it sort of oozed out of the side of my mouth) The good news is that about half of that swelling disappeared. Unfortunately none of the pain did.

I'm sure hoping that the diagnosis was correct. So far things have moved from bad to really really bad. I should have figured the doc was a quack when I saw his bill.