tanks inc pa4 vs surge tank for efi

Depending on how much horsepower you are feeding, there is no need to use anything but a stock tank. Grab yourself a 3/8" or even 1/2" sending unit. Silver solder in a like sized return line, mount a fuel-proof electrical connector and attach an appropriate sized electric efi pump to the pick-up line. Make sure it will fit through your sending unit hole.

Then run two lines to the front of the car to feed and return from the surge tank. It's really a simple set-up, just like you would plumb to run a return regulator. I bought a surge tank from Radium Engineering. It's easy to mount, is super easy to hook up, and the lines running from it to the fuel rails and back are the only high pressure fuel in the system. The lines that run from the fuel tank to the surge tank and back run at just over "0" psi, but they carry a large volume of fuel.

I have run my tank down to 2 gallons with this set-up at Willow Springs Raceway without sucking air into my high-pressure feed. It's actually less expensive and give much higher performance than running a poorly designed baffled tank.

I'll try and post more pictures of the surge tank later.