Father-Son 1974 Duster Project

Ouch, pretty sure I heard somebody get slapped. Lol Sounds like you have a plan to keep the build moving forward. Wish I was closer to help with either the car or the move. Still, maybe... I will stay tuned.

No slapping at all Keith. 3 years ago when we moved into this house the car was temporarily in storage during the move. I would drag 3 of my kids to the unit and we would wrench grind and weld right there! They have 20x20 units at the place and I'm going to see if a can talk the manager into letting me have one of those for the price of a 10x20. There are a lot of empties there

Shawns 2 year statement struck a nerve. My son was 14 when we bought the car and he'll be 19 this March. Where does the time go?