Stop in for a cup of coffee

I just came back from the CIRCUS! My daughter's boyfriend shows up with some more venison, so far today is like Christmas in Dec.! Then a 18 wheeler shows up with my new HP 727! This trucker does not know what he is doing. We get the big *** box into the bucket of the tractor and tries to back up the slope of my driveway, no go the trailer has nothing in it. OK move some vehicles around so he can 3 pt and go out forward. Well he digs the thing into the lawn. OK get some gravel for traction. No go. Try to push him with my compact tractor, no go. OK now the front wheels are in about a foot. Call my buddy across the street, Hey need the backhoe! He brings it down and get the truck moving, OK almost done! Yippee This guy has no idea how to back a truck up. So after a half hour of directing him he gets it out and on the street and just leaves! No thanks or anything. ASSHOLE. But I got My new HP 727!

Nice! You gots work to do! Lol