Another Mopar Off My Bucket List - Barracuda Fastback

I'm really glad you took the time to capture the video. It's always neat to see footage of first time drives - especially for us guys following the build threads. Up until they finally hit the pavement a person is never sure if some projects will ever get completed.

My maiden voyages are usually a little longer. I'm not satisfied until I've heard the cops have left the doughnut shop.

I get disgusted with myself when I don't have actual A-body updates to write about. I know that life gets in the way and I do try to keep busy with as much car related stuff as I can but I really miss the wrenching when I'm away from it.

A-body is just a pile of steel, have not touched mine since March when I got it running.
I started I think twice since then.

I am about a scatter brained as you on projects, now I am painting my willys, next week who knows? Maybe working on the house, do some winter camping?
I am kind of a free spirit.