Another Mopar Off My Bucket List - Barracuda Fastback

I finally got around to cutting some replacement pieces for the plastic ones that were on the machine. I had some 3/16" lexan left over from one of my other projects and I figured it would be a good place to use it.


I still have to decide what images to apply to them and then print them out on some adhesive backed vinyl. They look cloudy now because the protective film is still on them. The pinball never actually touches them so I shouldn't have to put a protective overlay on top of them. The main board surfaces tend to get paint chipped from them so when I do the floor I'll put some protection over it.

On these pieces I just cut, there is a 4 color theme. The light below the yellow ones comes on when you hit the yellow target. The same is true with the red, green, and purple pieces. So, I should stick with some form of color scheme similar to the original pieces otherwise the targets won't seem to make as much sense.

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