I'd like to add more power.. Any suggestions???

This.. What do you expect out of it,would be an additional answer...Tune it,to find what you have. If you don't know how,ask lots of questions,& be prepared ,to give articulate answers. It took me a decade to learn this,the old school way..You can get this information here,and it's in minutes..

^^^^^^^^This is what I do when speaking with new customers. I ask them what are their goals. Then when they ask for 1000 hp I ask them why they think they need that power level. When they say " I want my car to be faster, I ask them what is the fastest car they have experienced? When they say they went for ride in their uncle's Cobalt SS I instantly develop a clearer picture. Then I assure them that the stock stroke 360 that I will build them will be more than enough with 375 hp and 430 ft/lbs. It is all relative--EVERYTHING is relative. J.Rob