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College Towns on a Saturday Night
A comprehensive summary of my Saturday Night

By: Ty

Plain and simple, I'm 21, but frat kids are childish.

We have a local college town that me and a couple buddies like to go down, get a drink, walk around, go to a hookah bar, just stuff like that. Anyways, last night, we were down there walking around at 1AM. 1AM is the best time to be down there, everything is hilarious, you hear frat dudes yelling random ****, girls always seem to be upset from drinking to much, then you have a couple ragers going on, and every so ofter a police dui stop or a fight breaks out. Anyways, it's the perfect time to nebshit, and that's what we do.

It started with us standing around staring at a few kids being carried by EMTs for what I presume to be alcohol poisoning. Then some girls yelling at their boy friends, followed by boy friends fighting the guy who banged their girl friend. But the best part of the night was the kid who bumped my buddy.

To preface, both him and I walk around with just that "expressionless" stare, all black, just generally look like we don't care, just because that's how we are. We're not hot headed, but we are jack asses and even worse when someone is a jackass to us. So we're waiting to cross the street, and this guy, maybe 130lbs, 5'1-ish, comes bolting around the corner, on the phone, doing that kind of "leaned forward "on a mission stomp". We were waiting for a cross walk and this guy cuts my buddy off and brushes shoulders while yelling on his phone. Would of been fine, except he doubles back to us with a "Watch your fuckin' self, I'm walkin here" or something like that. Almost immediately, my buddy and I started cracking, and he replied "Walkin' like you're on a mission to get your teeth kicked in." And in our true jack *** fashion we begin to roast the hell out of this kid.

For those who don't know, via Urban Dictionary:
Roast (v.) - To humorously mock or humiliate someone with a well-timed joke, diss or comeback.

We both just laid into this kid, tons of people cracking up, the whole corner is howling at how bad this little dude is getting destroyed. You could tell he's getting pissed, balls his fist, but then decided he probably didn't want to find out if he would be stepping into a 1 on 1, or 2 on 1 fight and turned and left.

We're assholes, but we have more to lose than some trust fund kid who can't watch where he's walkin'.

Dude probably cried him self to sleep that night. :lol: