Another Mopar Off My Bucket List - Barracuda Fastback

Well water normally around here has alot of iron in it.

The hand dug well she drank in was completely safe according to the health department when I had it tested years ago.

You have to do the old school dip the bucket, crank it up, yes she grew up with no running water as a kid, maybe that is why she is so tough.
City water puts chemicals in it, good or bad???

Although we had our own well at the farm (and still do) it'd been run by an electric pump ever since I was born.

I do remember using the hand pump at my grandparent's place though. It wasn't an open well and we didn't have to lower the bucket but sometimes we had to prime the pump before it would suck up any water. I seem to recall it being hard to pump the handle when I was little.