any modern stang owners??

I would like to think there is a must-ake forum to share about this stuff?? Do you think they're talking about there bad @$$ mopars on that dime a dozen forum !!???

A fellow mopar brother is asking for advice from those of us who own mustangs in addition to our beloved mopars to possibly purchase one. Soooo whats the ******* problem??? He did not post this in the mopar general forum.

Stop being a troll Jpar. If you can offer good advice to help him with his purchase of the type of car he wants then great, join the conversation. If not why dont you get lost. Maybe you havent realized this but there are those of us who actually own and enjoy other makes of vehicles besides our mopars.

I personally own 2 chevrolets, one ford, and 5 chrysler products.