any modern stang owners??

A fellow mopar brother is asking for advice from those of us who own mustangs in addition to our beloved mopars to possibly purchase one. Soooo whats the ******* problem??? He did not post this in the mopar general forum.

Stop being a troll Jpar. If you can offer good advice to help him with his purchase of the type of car he wants then great, join the conversation. If not why dont you get lost. Maybe you havent realized this but there are those of us who actually own and enjoy other makes of vehicles besides our mopars.

I personally own 2 chevrolets, one ford, and 5 chrysler products.
like i said - someone had to say it.
First - should I call the wa-bulance?? Do you really think your going to have a ruststang conversation on an A-body forum without a little ribbing ? Please!! I've posted on this part of the forum about my 41 Studebaker and I like the advice, but I also get quite a bit of entertainment out of this forum. Chill out, sorry, just joking :D
F****** problem - troll ? That's taking the high road? LOL
I choose to not name the other 5 brands of vehicles I own with the exception of the one already mentioned.
OK, sooo ya my brother-in-law had a 93 "stang" (LOL - security code for mustang) it had the 302 with flow masters. It sounded wicked! It was fun to drive because it had such a short wheel base. It was squirrely!!
At the time I had a 93 trans am, it was faster and had a longer wheel base and was more predictable. We built my 72 duster together. I had other mopars before that, but that's when mopar fever set in :coffee2: