73 Gold Duster /6 - Tucson Style

So I did not get as much done this weekend as I was hoping, I blame being very hung-over on Saturday, but I soldiered on.

I got the headliner installed with essential assistance of my buddy. The headliner I have was a used ABS one that had already been in a duster, so the holes were already all there. It's not a great fit, but it was only $50, so I think it's fine for now, maybe later I will re-cover this with green.

Next I attacked my package tray. The old one was rotted, cracked and torn.

So I traced the old press board onto 1/4 inch MDF and cut out the shape with a jigsaw. I put it in the car and marked up where it didn't fit right. I marked the mounting holes (where the old one had spring clips). I drilled the holes, inserted a bolt, and glued some extra carpet (I ordered 2 extra yards of the same color).

This is before I put the bolts in:
I glued the carpet down and put some weight on top, left it over night.

Sunday morning I trimmed some of the carpet, added pleats, and after pulling each "tab" tight I used my air-stapler and tacked it down.

I looked good!
Then I measured 3 pieces of approximately color matched vinyl (not ideal color, but I want to get this done, I don't think people will notice.
I stapled the vinyl surface down alone the perimeter. I wanted to use a thick piece of leather cut as a 1/2 inch strip as a tack strip, but it was too think for my staples. Instead I used more staples and tried to make a nice hard line in the vinyl. I folded the long center strip over on itself at its edge and laid the 2 side pieces over it, and finished stapling it. Then I just fold the vinyl over the staples and get a nice seam.

I installed the 2 rear sail panels, then installed my new package tray. The vinyl will be wrapped around the frame and then attached using clips just like the old one.

This picture I have one clip installed:

Next time I will add all the clips, and trim the excess material. I will also used a heat gun to ease any creases in the vinyl.

Here are some more pictures.

This week I will finished the space duster fold down door area and then get that carpet in.