Couple of questions on sheetmetal/bodywork

o k I see it now!!!!! I would send that pic to AMD snd ask what the heck with that panel. I would not want to have to slit it even though looks like that is what it would take. most all panels need a little "tweaking" but..... that's major surgery!????

I agree, a little tweaking and a little putty and a little pulling and pushing are all part of replacing panels BUT when two line on the same panel don't line up something's wrong.

Good luck, the best AMD could do is refund some of your money because it would be easier to split the panel than it would be to replace it?? I would tell them that "your body man", even though you might be doing this yourself, wants to charge you and extra $200 to fix the panel so that you don't have to put 1/4" of putty on you new panel!!
