Need help, advice with my 318 build

Thanks for all response in the subject. I feel fine not going crazy at port matching as my starting idea was just to make the ports more even and a little better flowing. As I understand that smaller intake ports helps keep the port velocity up which in that case helps the lower rpm torque? Also I read somewhere that the 302 have a flow restriction to only support around 300 hp and that's why I want to do some minor work to help the flow and maybe in the future I want to choose a little bigger cam. So I'm trying find that sweet spot just in between stock and ported.

I'm probably going to put the tubes inside the flange so your right nm9stheham the area are going to shrink. I'm just building the headers to help the restriction in the exhaust to make the whole engine combo more efficient. So I hope that it's somewhat right to do since I already have them and like to build and fabricate my own stuff as much as I can.

Windage tray is something that might be thinking of also to make it more efficient?

Have some more grind questions about the combustion chamber. You don't want to have any sharp edges in the combustion chamber as those gets hotter? Is it alright to just smooth this edges? Going to buy a plexi glass and CC my heads soon and then I will find out where I'm going to be more exact where my compression will be. So if the chambers are to small the smoothing of the edges will lower my compression. Not going to touch the quench area I rather take material in the chamber. My second question about the chambers is it ok to grind it a little further than smoothing the edges and shape the non quench are to the cylinder shape or does that edge doesn't effect the combustion process?