Pete Rose goes down swinging.

There is a sign that hangs over the entrance to every major league club house entrance. Bet on baseball and your banned for life.

As Mike Schmidt one of petes biggest supporters and closest friends recently stated.

I think the day will come when Pete will look back on this ... Throughout this whole thing, I think he always kind of senses or feels like he's bigger than it all, and at some point in his life he'll sit back in a rocking chair and realize he wasn't or isn't bigger than baseball."

Good point Ray. At the age of 74 you would think he would have had more than enough time do do the right thing. I dont think many can argue his skill and talent but why the hell not clean up your act? He had the opportunity to do so.

I listen to a.sports radio station most of my commute time and they mentioned that he appeared in the All Star game in 5 different positions.
That is mind boggling