building a mild Daily driver 318

Quote from post #102
"I offer this, not to knock the teener. It's just a simple comparo, and is meant to show just the low speed equivalent dollar to performance, where a street engine spends a huge amount of it's life."

Furthermore I think you missed the 79 cc total chamber volume, I mentioned. This is a closed chamber head of about 65cc plus a5cc allowance for eyebrows plus a gasket allowance of about 9cc. Or it could be the X-heads and a .039 gasket and no eyebrows and a zero-deck.
But if you put unmilled 340/360 heads(about 72cc) on an LC teener, with the pistons down at -.137(27cc-5cc adjustment for no eyebrows), this would add 28 to 30 cc to the total chamber volume.The new Scr would be (661.3 + 79 +30)/(79 + 30) = 7.07...... I'm not even gonna bother calculating the Dcr on that boat-anchor.
Geewhiz I had to know. With the same 276cam with an ICA of 66*, the Dcr works out to 5.69, and the cylinder pressure to 99.5psi.
And that takes me all the way back to page one where I think it was that I mentioned the zero deck thing.
But hey, if we go again................

Let me recap where I'm coming from. When I put virgin X-heads on my 73 LC-teener with the drowning pistons, and the 340 cam,etc ; it was a total dog off the line,and didn't start moving 'til north of 4000rpm. I had to band-aid it with gears and a higher-stall TC, and it still was lazy. Now this was a very long time ago, (about 35 years ago), before I knew anything about Dcr. When I learned about Dcr and V/P index, it became obvious what the problem had been. But that car was long-gone.