What color will sell easier? 73 Sport

as it sounds like there is a level of "labor of love" involved here for you and there is just no way anyone can account for buyer taste etc. I will say this (and this IS jmo).. - A) I am not a huge fan of the "beak" cars.. but "I'm" looking for an A-body and this one shows up near me on CL. B) It is just a 318 car, so it's nothing special as far as being a collectible goes and it's been repainted - a nice job I'm sure, but not show quality - a driver. C) No matter what you do to the drive train, "I" am assuming it has over 100k on it, it's an old car, and will need to be worked on - if for no other reason than making it "mine" - so I need to have some $$ ready after I buy it. All things being equal, and "I" do want one - you're asking 10.5k - I am showing up with 8k in my pocket... you're asking 8k - no way I bring more than 7500, you're asking 12.5 - that feels like a lot for a 318 73 - it better be nice. Anyway - back to the actual question - - Blue, I may pass and wait for a color I like. Bronze - pretty cool and unusual and your ad would say "original color" - I would want to see it.. could make an interesting resto-clone. Red - not a huge fan, but I would want to see it because it can be done right. Personally, I like black.. THAT would get me taking $$ out of the bank and coming to see the car - I think the "beak" cars look killer done black. Sorry for being so long winded - you asked. :D OH - is your red car worth 10k? It could be - looks nice for sure but, how's it drive? What options does it have? What upgrades have you done? and on and on - you know how buyers are!