middle of nowhere

I think these holiday seasons tends to give us time to reflect on life and ourselves, family. this is not directly at the holidays and its religious connection .( (could it be this is why this holiday season tends to have such a negative impact of some people? )

if you have ever experienced a "near death" experience, you will probably agree it gave you a NEW perspective on life. I have had several. ( my perspective should be great!, but lacking no doubt).

I know couple of people that lived thru 9-11. they went from being the Wall Street urban types, everything centered around their $$$$. one family moved to Az and other to Colo.... became " rural" BUT gained a whole completely different view on life and what is REALLY important, how to live life, how their kids are raised, the environment of everyday life, etc.... a book could be written on this whole subject.

sometimes living our life as we feel needs be, is not the easier path, but perhaps proves to be more rewarding and , the answer???