Metal building condensation

The WORST thing you can do is seal up the bldg. the science is simple. a bldg contains moisture filled warm air. at night the temp drops to the dew point. the air inside cools and the moisure condenses out(onto your car, concrete, etc). If the air circulates and is the same as the outside air, nothing condenses since the air, in and out , is the same. when your indoor car has condensation on it, look at the car parked outside in the driveway.
Old barns have open cracks AND are built way above the ground. this is not an accident. This allows the air to circulate to do what I described.
Vents- the idea is good but there is not enough air moving thru it. A screen makes it even worse. either keep the windows open, the garage door open at the bottom or put in a power vent. no body has more humidity content than Florida (where I live now) but I get no condensation in my closed garage. That is because there is minimal temp change over a 24 hour period. In northern winters, the temp CHANGE drop 10-40 degrees. that is what causes condensation in moisture rich air. i know this goes against some of themyths proposed but read the science. I have a friend in NY that bought a new 73 Corvette. To this day, the undercarriage is solid as day 1. She always kept the garage well ventilated. hope this explains it. there is a lot to storage air quality. My shop is totally sealed with 1 sealed window BUT it is completely insulated AND airconditioned. My storage sheds have only a roof on them. never any condensation in either. Hope that helps