Water Pump for 360 LA

Yes the lower radiator hose does come out on the passenger side, which causes problem shaving to route the lower rad hose away from the fan and twisted through the tranny lines and lower radiator support. It sounds like the radiator is from a later model (70's or later), and the pump is from the earlier style 360 (which it sounds like the motor is).

Is there a benefit to the earlier or later setup from a performance standpoint?

nm9; thanks for the info on the water pump. I have plenty of room between the engine and the radiator for the additional length of the pump flange won't be an issue for that area (i can just cut the spacer for the fan). If it goes out an extra 3/4" then I would just have to worry about alignment, but I should be able to rectify that with installing different pulleys. The issue with the March brackets were that when I got them installed, the bracket for the alternator moved it too close to the valve cover that it hit before I could get the alternator close to its mounting position. I purchased the incorrect bracket though since it was for the 70's and later setup. No worries on that side though, since I think I have better options and a lighter fix by switching out the water pump and timing chain cover to the later model and saving some weight.

At least I know what I am up against at this point and can stop speculating (although I sound really intelligent to my wife when I am speculating, the rest of the times she just rolls her eyes and asks how much that is going to cost).

Thanks to all of you for getting me on the right path.