"street" outlaws tonight

If the show was run your way it would be boring and die. It has to be spiced up and fill in all the dead spots of real life. and they call it Reality TV. Love the show. Some can relax and be entertained, and some can't put down the microscope.

Someday you will blink you eyes, and You will be OLD too! THAT I CAN ALMOST PROMISE! :D

i dont think it would be boring but it would be more likely to pull those who dont know what they can do with their own. what they can do and what is out there in the go fast in a strait line world. you put those promods on and its over quickly. remember this and writing it down take a picture of it. people dont want fantasy racing anymore. they want real **** they can compare to what they have seen before drive past their house once before. or what their neighbors got in the garage a few doors down.