Crimping Tool

this is cool - never seen it, but like it a lot.. last time I did a cable I crimped, then took a center punch and dimpled the other side of the connector directly in the center - sort of swedged it - deep enough to get a good grip, but shallow enough so it didn't go through.. obviously. Also, I used some of that heat shrink wrap to cover the area where the cable and connector meet... twice. The whole thing worked WELL and when it came time to take it apart, it was a f$%^ker to get off of there.
Just an FYI/MHO - buy GOOD tools when you decide to spend $$ on them.. you'll regret getting the cheap/inexpensive one pretty quickly and then you'll just have to go get the good one anyway.. :violent1:
On battery cables I always use battery pellets, at least that what they call them at the auto parts store. A simple propane torch and a few seconds permanently secures the cable ends!! You put the pellet in the lug (holding the lug with vice grips or a bench vice) then you heat the lug until the pellet melts and you stick the cable in there. Be sure and check to make sure the cable (with bare wires) fits in the lug easily or it will not go completely in there when you try and stab it into the molten solder. Depending on the size of the lug sometimes you need to trim off a few wires so that it fits in there easily/

Easy peezy lemon squeezy!!
