1972 Demon Build

Ahhh the surgery. Well hell, I had a bad hernia in my belly button. Been trying to avoid surgery for a few years as it worsened. FYI, hernias don't get better with time. The terms "button, belly button, belly of the beast, etc." is appropriate as that sucker is attached to everything. Not allowed to lift more than 5 pounds, wife is officially tired of helping me pee..lol. So how did I get it? I was deployed in support of our guys and a unit from Romania a few years back. Gym = weights. I became friendly with a Romanian Olympic weightlifter. In 6 months I gained 20 pounds and was bench pressing 315# and pop....lol. Peer pressure, it's an international thing!

And yes....finding a white one is not common....so if no one else likes a red and white car I will keep it.