spring show
for all you guys in the northeast and anyone else that wants to travel. The gear head mafia car club of connecticut and the vfw is hosting a benifit car show to benifit care packages for the troops. Cost is $10.00 at the gate. Save the date and come on out for a great day of fun. there will be prize raffels every hour, A 50 / 50 raffel a DJ with great oldies music, a hotwheels race track fpr the kids with free hotwheels cars for the kids to keep plus trophies for the winners of the hotwheels races, several different classes and trophies for the show field, several different vendors setting up to sell their products, sk modified race cars, 2 dragsters and more.We will also be taking applications to join the gear head mafia car club of connecticut plus we will be selling t-shirts and pull over hoodies. Any clubs attending contact me, mike elliott at --
[email protected] or call -- 860-977-1797 i will make sure your club parks together. all i will need is the number of cars in your club that is coming. thanks and hope to see ya's at the show. Mike Elliott, V.P. gear head mafia car club of connecticut