Thinking of giving it up (a bit of a rant)

Pretty much your world?

I think maybe you need to rethink some of that. Wait ten or 15 years and see if you don't reflect back on when things were simpler. I bet you do.

How bout lettin some of us old farts reminisce about whatever the hell we want to? I don't see where it's hurtin you at all.

Your world? That's a pretty damned arrogant statement if ever I read one. This would be a completely different country were it not for generations before you. Maybe you should think about that.

you took it completely wrong and its because I didn't word it completely right.

the way the price market of the car "world" today is the only world us younger generation know ....thus meaning "its our world" (everyone, old and young) the way the price market is now

Not meaning the world is literally belonging to the younger generations...that's crazy.

what we see on ebay and on fabo is the only car "world" we know as the younger generation because we didn't have the fortune of being here when these cars were new ......that is "your world" as you knew it as the older generations.

old guys can reminisce anytime and its encouraged ....but there is a huge difference between reminiscing like Mr. Del does which is quite enjoyable and just whining about the current "world" being different which is senseless.

you are right about being able to reflect and I do .....back in 2004 there used to be a guy down the road with a bunch of gen 3 chargers and it was so cool, no ****. But its all gone now sadly happens. I had no idea what I was looking at back then because I was barely out of high school and everyday was something new but if I knew what I know now ..........yea it would have been cool.

thing of it is, a mopar isn't really that expensive to build now a days but if you are living in the past then it is too much.

in the old days people didn't buy new cars for 60-80 k like nothing (hellcats and whatever) they do now. So relatively speaking .......putting 20-30k into a mopar over say a five year period is not unreasonable. In the old days 20-30 k could buy you a nice house but its not the "old days" now.