318 power?

Thanks so much AJ, This helps a lot. I do have one question: what do you mean by "R's at 2867@65 locked up"?

Rs are Rpm. I'm a 1-finger typer, so I take shortcuts whenever I can.
So here's the Formula; MPH = Rpm x TC /1056 x R1 x R2 where TC is tire circumference,and R1 is rear gear Ratio, and R2 is transmission selected gear Ratio, and MPH is miles per hour. So a 27 inch tire is 27 x 3.1416(Pi) = 84.8TC, and the rear gear selected is 3.55, and the tranny gear for cruising is 1.00. Plugging those all in and calculating; 65mph =2867Rs(Rpm)
Now locked up means this is the rpm with Zero TC (converter) slip. At cruising speed with an automatic transmission the Rs at a set cruise Mph, can vary quite a bit,depending on all kinds of things. Like the amount of engine power put into the TC,the TC design,the wind, the road surface, the road grade, and whether or not you're towing something. With a stock TC,The Rs could be 100,200,or even 300 different from the calculated Rs.Usually lower.Cuz the TC is slipping.

Now about those cutouts.......If you have not yet ordered them, GOOD.If they're already on there,that's too bad; You coulda spent the money on better things. But if it's always been your dream to blow the ricers minds, well then, have at 'em.