Is there a doctor in the house?

Medical question for a neurologist or chiropractor, or anyone that has this symptom:
My right hand has been 'asleep' for about 5 days now in varying stages, sometimes its just the thumb and/or pinky tingling, but other times its the entire hand experiencing the 'pins and needles' of a limb after its been constricted for a while and is starting to get its feeling back. I have had this condition for 13 years but lately its been keeping me awake even if i wear my 'bowling' brace to sleep which usually works for the night. My question is this a nerve issue or a skeletal issue that a quack could 'adjust' with a few sessions of spinal adjustments? I can get through work but its just a dull tingle if i dont think about it. Dad had neuropathy in his feet but he was 70 and diabetic, I wouldnt wish that on a Ford driver!:wack: