COP Ignition Development

Yes, I have considered one or two banks of injection. I have 4 i/o pins left. I will also need to add TPS, and intake and engine temperature. I am presently using two 16 bit timers for ignition, one for dwell, the other for ignition event. I can use one timer for both, to free the timer for fuel delivery. It adds some complexity, but since Nano board is less than $3, I could add a second controller, gain more pins for things like MPI, evaporative controls, waste gate control, speed sensor ... I would need communications between the micros. I have experience with that by using two EMS2 units on my 2.2 turbo.

My thinking is the COP ignition is a good starting point. I hope the simplicity of use, ignition power, and reliability will change minds. Then there will be a movement to EFI too.