Are ebayers outta their minds with the prices????

Howdy all, cosgig here with a bit of a rant!! Just thought I would peruse ebay and look at the 66 Cuda parts for sale!! I gotta tell you, it's no damn wonder people think Mopars are to pricey to work on, with some of the prices I saw that people are asking for stuff on there!! Stuff that I have piles of, and wouldn't think to charge 1/10 of the prices they're asking, then you see a vendor with new parts in the very next listing with actual reasonable prices!! It blows my mind that someone would ask $60 for one piece of the upper door chrome, $120 for one piece of quarter glass, $30 for a single battery tray brace, used, listed right next to a repopped tray that's $28!! I hope nobody's paying those prices, they're giving the hobby a bad name raping people like that!! Makes me sick to see the throat cutting prices there, and makes me even gladder (is that a word?) that there is a place like FABO to buy and sell!! When you think someone's price here is a little high, just head on over to ebay and get yourself a nice $139 used gas cap!!! Sorry all, rant over!!!