Are ebayers outta their minds with the prices????

Remember trying to build cars from hemmings and local trader papers.
When eBay came along it got so much easier to find the very rare parts.
No more chasing down dead end leads by phone and driving for miles just to find
out it wasn't what you needed.
I used to call it my weekend Hemi goose chase.
Those days are over, haven't been on one for years.
Ebay pricing has steadily gotten to what it is today. Thankfully I found most of the
impossible parts I needed before everything got so high priced.
I don't use eBay these days as much as I used to.
I have sold a few things there when I get no interest on this site and been shocked at times what people will bid an item up to.
Overall I know eBay shortened the parts locating process for me by years or decades.
I really don't like using eBay to sell an item and will try other ways first.
I have 5 cars that should probably have a eBay emblem on them rather than a factory badge.