FiTech EFI system
It came and I've had a chance to look at it. It's really hard to believe they packed all this into such a small package for this price, I love the concept and I love the hardware. It looks like a big carb until you see some wires coming out, really those wires could get lost in an average engine bay and to someone not a car-nut probably will pass as a carb with the air cleaner on.
I can see where they have tested the unit, you can see a bit of residue around the atomizing holes, they are so small I probably wouldn't be able to see them without the test residue giving them away. So we know that they are testing each one before shipping, that's great. Packing is obviously good with a piece like this.
Everything looks too be well made and put together well, nothing at all you can see that says this unit is half the price of others, the wires are well protected in areas that may chafe. I see a small area of the black finish that was chipped off somehow, but they took the time to touch it up so they definatley care about appearance.
This install is going to be alot of fun, easy, rewarding, and I can't wait to drive it!