Cam lobe going flat...what now?

Do you know if your connecting rod bearings shells have oil squirt holes??

I have a theory that a lotta lifter/lobe failures are because folks use the later bearing shells used with the newer roller tappets, that don't have a squirt hole and they don't spray oil on the cyl wall and cam lobes like the old shells with the squirt hole (which are still avail).

I believe the squirt of oil from the connecting rod is nec on flat tappet cams.

So if you use the newer shells, I always notch the shells where the oil hole's supposed to be, and I've never had a lobe failure yet, ( I'm sitting on wood ). jmo

hope it helps

I'm honestly not sure. The rods were factory forged rods that were reconditioned. If I pull the pan I'll check.