Happy birthday to me!!!!!!!!!

Ok so it's 10 days late but oh well....

A little backstory... My wife loves her apple electronics, this last year for her birthday (December 30) and Christmas gift she bought herself the latest iPhone. By the time she sells her old one she'll have about $500-600 in it. So I told her "tell ya what, how bout I be able buy myself a gift for the same price?" She agreed! So here's a sneak peak!!

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Just walked out of Dunhams with it. Their price was $739.99 but they price match and Whittaker Gun's in Owensboro had these listed at $583.99!! Now yes, I woukdne rather bought it at Whittaker's but they sell out quick and they've been trying to get more but haven't had any in this year yet so I decided to jump on it while I had the chance!!