need help find 42hr trans

What you are looking for will be easier to find if you tell them 42RH or 44RH. Look in 3.9L V6 Dakotas and Ram 2wd trucks, 44RH in 5.2L Dakota and Ram. the RH version is in pre OBD II vehicles so 95 and older. If you find one in Grand Cherokee or 4x4 Dak/Ram you can have tail/OD housing swapped along with output shaft to convert to 2wd. Its pretty easy and not too expensive at trans shop. We have had lots of Wrangler swap customers convert 2wd to 4wd for under $200 by competent shop.

I have posted two pics to help your identification process easier. First pic is of a 44RE plug and trans. You cant use this one without the magnum pcm to run trans, its OBD II 96+. i dont have a pic of RH as we dont use them much. The second pic is of the pcm connectors so you can tell the difference between OBD I and OBD II. The single plug pcm is 95 and older OBD I and the three plugs are the OBD II pcm plugs. So if you are looking at vehicles, first thing tio check is pcm plug. One plug, bingo, three plugs, keep looking.

If you have any more questions pm me or call the shop at 541-955--0363 9-6 Pacific time. Good luck, Evan