my Low dollar 318 hop-up project

finished my porting..... about 9 hours. Took some time to try to get them as equal as I could. I'll post pictures when I get them all cleaned up.

The bill so far is:
60.00 - intake
23.00 - porting

P.S. - MrJLR, lol...... like the enthusiasm! :cheers:

I just put my dash harness the way - yea!!!!!!!!!
So I'm making connections, then the dash and steering column. ....
I'm ready to start some FREE porting work.
I have all the tools already. Heads are on the bench.

Might not hurt to post the diameters of the sockets and the screw driver handle... I know the sockets are standard sizes, but that can vary depending on who manufactured the socket etc.... Interested to see how she turns out, these little guys are really handy for final polishing on the old dremel.

Yes, could you post the O.D. on the sockets and screw driver?
