torsion bar and ps box upgrade
i was looking at the box you offer and it looks great. i have a question regarding the coupler though. it looks the same as the stock coupler (dimensionally). and that is where my major problem is, my couple will just barely hit my header. so i need a coupler that is smaller in diameter than the stock design. i read a thread on here about a guy who put a steering box in and used the flaming river coupler and had ample amount of header clearance.
regarding the torsion bars, 1.06 seems a little excessive for a dd... or am i wrong? this car will most likely never see a track. (doesnt mean i wont drive it like its on one though)
the upper arms i would love to get, but uncle sam claimed a whole hell of alot more of my taxes than i thought he would. i really plan on uppers and lowers in the future though.
anybody got anything on my plans for the 8.25? mostly looking for information on a gear installation kit of some sort. i can get the gears and locking mechanism.