Chrysler starter spin down time

Yeah! Quit wasting your money and get a '16 Dart instead of that old one!


In this country, every individual has the right to freedom of starter motor selection. I'm pretty sure it's in the Constitution somewhere. The man wants what he wants, and it's entirely doable. If he wants the kind of starter the car came with, but wants it to work correctly, that's legit; it's his car.

(Oh, and by the way: once you start removing correctly-numbered components from your car, it ain't all that "numbers matching" any more.)

Numbers matching refers to the the engine block stamped VIN and trans which all match.......Not some stupid starter that has the classic wind down and always has....Every mopar starter I heard has it.....Live with it or get a mini and quit whining....Not a big deal....This is one thing MA mopar didn't get right...their starters