Unbelievable frustraion at "No Auto Parts Available"

It really IS pretty bad. I told a friend of mine, if I was "Mr Cleaver" or somebody I would never know the difference. I'd just go in there, and they'd say, "no such thing" er whatever, and I'd be like, "uh, oh, OK" and leave LMAO.

One time I was in the local "Ace" (or other) hardware, looking for some inexpensive throttle ball ends. They had had some, didn't seem to anymore. He told me "you will never find them in this town." I bet him 20 bucks.

Twenty minutes later I was back in there feeding two of 'em down his throat. Of course!!! I didn't collect the 20 bucks.

It IS infuriating knowing that "in a previous life" you KNEW stuff existed, in some cases who made it, (Milton, Tru-flate, etc) and that "you" stocked it.