Another Mopar Off My Bucket List - Barracuda Fastback

Our big snow storm hit yesterday night. They'd predicted anywhere from 4 inches to 2 foot of snow coupled with high winds. I was skeptical when the time had come and gone for the storm to arrive. The radio kept giving new updates predicting less snow and bumping back the time it was supposed to arrive. We stocked up on groceries just in case.

It finally hit us around 3 a.m. Tuesday morning. I'd stopped being concerned after hearing for the umpteenth time that the amount of precipitation was going to be less than originally expected. I went to bed and gave up on my storm watch.

When I woke up Tuesday morning it looked like a full blown blizzard outside. I couldn't tell if it was still snowing or if I was seeing the wind blowing the snow that had already fallen. It kept up all day long. I'd considered trying to clear off the driveway but figured it would most likely drift back shut. We hunkered down inside and worked on household projects to pass the time.

At 2 a.m. Wednesday I woke up and took a look out the windows. It was pretty much over although the wind was still kicking up some snow. The bad news was that there was 5 foot of snow drift covering my driveway. I'm not sure how much snow we did get because of the drifting but I wouldn't be surprised to hear if it was a foot or more. The funnycar is buried and the Barracuda is almost as bad.

Rather than wait for the sun to rise I figured I better start chiseling away at the drift so we can get out of the house in the morning. Teresa has a doctor's appointment. Remind me to slap the next person that tells me they love winter.