my Low dollar 318 hop-up project

Questions on the valve cleanup:
- What is the abrasive wheel on the bench grinder yo are using there?
- What are you doing about guide measurements and valve stem diameters?

BTW, if a valve slips and hangs up between the wheel and frame in this process, it can bend the stem juuust enough to not seal well... ask me how I know.... so be careful here.

This is just a typical bench grinder with a wire wheel on one side. I do not go up and down the stem, but only remove the build-up around the valve. I've cleaned many valves this way, never an issue.
As for the stem/guide, I will only measure the amount of "slack", or "slop" the valve has in the guide with the valve off the seat about 3/4 inch - 1 inch. No way does my budget warrant new valves and guides.... Gotta make due, gotta make due!

Barbee6043 - Agreed !!