Stop in for a drink.

I had a few with my old neighbor and her friend. Linda is going through a divorce and she's not having fun. We have been drinking buddies since she moved in next door 10+ years ago. Her friend was pretty nervous when my wife pulled in the drive around 8 pm. She was squirming but my wife is cool and came in and introduced herself and poured herself a glass of wine. My wife is a pretty good sport.

your wife is unusual ....usually women freak out if their man is even talking to another girl.

One time I had a local car buddy and we were welding on his road runner with the garage door open and his wife drives up and acts like she wants me out. Like what could possibly be going on while we are welding with the big garage door and windows open during the day .....come on.

Its stupid how some women act. He never finished his road runner even now because he cant weld and is still her little slave. Poor guy and what a Bi^T%