over zealous moderator

as said before, women and children are on this site, and therefore no place for the "f" word, in my opinion. and if refraining from using that word is "taking the high road" then so be it. and if anyone thinks that I think I;m "better" than anyone else, then they do not know me at all.

trying to have manners should never be apologized for.

I admit to usisng the word "chi*" as here in the country it is as common a commodity and basic to life here as "dirt"! ha

Well here comes my 3 cents as expected...I grew up in a small town, and NEVER the F-word till I was in about 4th grade. Women didn't curse at all, and men tried not to, when they did, it was "damn it" or "sh*t."

For those who aim to follow the bible, there are several references about not using foul language.

Personally I feel there's enough ugliness in the world, why should I want to add more to it?

FABO is "better than" other Mopar sites in many ways. It only benefits us to make it a family-friendly place so if a child is interested in learning, a parent can let them come here without having to worry.

Just because "everyone does it" or "we hear it in the media" doesn't mean we HAVE to follow suit. You choose the words that come out of your mouth, and even more intentionally when you TYPE words...