over zealous moderator

since this is a discussion forum, I will discuss. let me make this point. do we consider the fact we adults can be "looked up to" by younger people, just because we own a car they consider cool, awesome? cool parts, tools, equipment? perhaps they look up to our knowledge and abilities automotive wise. role model whether wished for or not????

if sometime in that young person's future, for example, they have the opportunity to sell someone a faulty part for the sake of a $$, to curse like a sailor, or do anything not considered to be the right thing.... I don't want to them to see me doing such and figure its O K... something to think about.

sort like dad driving and texting, and then telling his kids NOT to do such, as it is unsafe and irresponsible?

last year I was reading comments in Facebook in my 17 yr old granddaughters page ( or whatever ya call it), her girlfriends were dropping the "F bomb" right and left. I assume it made them feel "more grown up", more sexy???? ( sounded like some under aged sluts to me). maybe part of growing up these days?? I have to wonder what their everyday language consists of. I just hope their parents taught them BETTER!