over zealous moderator

sorry I'm a little late to respond (seeing how I was the one who questioned how you related swearing with scarcely clad ladies)
I totally agree with you that your avatar is not something that is hidden on the outskirts of society...but that does not mean it is something I want my 6 year old son to see

And as a parent it's up to you as to what your child is to learn. Contrary to popular opinion, it doesn't take a village to raise a child, it takes parents. As such, you're the person who's most involved in your six year old's life.

diymirage said
as a matter of fact, it bothers me when I go to the pool and women are dressed in clothes that (in my opinion) dress in something that should be reserved for their husbands

So, your choice is clear: don't take your six year old to the pool or use it as a teaching moment. It's not up to someone else to raise your kids for you. And to ask everyone else to isolate themselves for your convenience is wrong on your behalf, as it's up to you to make the most of the situation with your child.

diymirage said
personally, I think it is disrespectful to the young women in the pictures because it forces (maybe forces is a big word...entices?) men to view them in the wrong light

The young ladies in question must not see it that way as they posed for the picture. If they had an issue with it, then I'm sure they would have bowed out.

And before anyone says, "yeah, but they didn't know it would be posted on the internet" that's a fallacy in the fact they were dressed like this for a public car wash.

diymirage said
one more thing to consider
according to the Pew Research center, 12% of adults view pornography at least once a month
some of those have no problem with it, while for others it is a moral dilemma, something they find repulsive, but find themselves returning too anyway

now, I'm not speaking of the group of **** users who see no problem with their viewing habits, but only of the group that does not want to keep viewing this, but is addicted to it.

for that group, seemingly "innocent" images as your avatar may be enticing and may be the one image that draws them back into darker images or videos


Ever been through or sat in on rehab?

It's a personal responsibility thing. Most addicts will blame an outside influence for the addiction to begin with. What it comes down to is no one forced you to become an addict to begin with. You did solely by choice. Your choice. Not someone else's. And that's what most rehab will tell you.

To say that one has to censure himself for fear of an addict relapsing denies that personal responsibility on the addict. Something the addict has worked long and hard to take on oneself.

I've tried to quit smoking several times. It's not because I'm around a smoker that's the problem, it's because I choose to smoke. If I sit in a room full of smokers, then it's my fault if I light up again, not their's.

Ever seen one innocently ask a recovering alcoholic if the alcoholic wants a beer? That person usually has no idea that the other is recovering. Now, when he (or she) finds out, he (or she) feels like a dick for offering to begin with. It's not his (or her) fault that he innocently offered something that he had no clue about. And, at that point, it's up to the addict to take the offer or not. Innocently asking didn't lead the addict back down the road of addiction, the addict did himself when he accepted the offer.