Need some help !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Since I reuse my gaskets multiple times, I use no sealers whenever possible, cuz they are so difficult to remove.I use sealers in the corners like everyone else, cuz I have learned how to remove it from there.My gaps were much worse,than yours, and needed no sealer for help.I was prepared to do the job twice, cuz it was on my own project, and that's how I roll;I'm a bit of a redneck problem-solver.
If I was working for a client, I would have put some sealer on there. I would have glued the gasket to the intake with a hi-tack spray glue.Then I would have used the "Right Stuff"on the heads.This combo is guaranteed to seal the intake, but will take hours to remove. But that job ain't never comin' back cuz of suckin' where it ain't suppos' to.
When you pull it apart it will tear the gasket to shreds, and you will be staring at a couple of hours of work, to get virgin again.You may even have to cut the manifold off, at the gasket-line.heehee

Yeah, a bit of RTV should be ok.