EPA Seeks to Prohibit Conversion of Vehicles into Racecars

So maybe you american folks can educate us canadians on all your emissions deals? I mean up here in canada (at least where I live) we don't do emissions testing or any crap like that. Guys rip their catalytic converters off all the time. We mod and change our vehicles however we see fit. You don't even need an insurance inspection unless the vehicle is a certain age (7 years for most insurance) and even then some places don't ask for it at all. I registered/insured an 86 truck a few years ago that had a propane conversion no questions asked.

I can go buy a brand new diesel tomorrow, rip off all the DEF and emissions crap. Make it roll smoke. And the most I'll get is a ticket if the cops catch me. Not that I would off course, idiots like that get rags in their exhausts around my neighbourhood.