Any soda junkies out there?

Most men eat the equivalent of a high-sugar diet—even if they've sworn off sweets. Case in point: During digestion, one slice of white bread is converted into the same amount of glucose as 4 tablespoons of sugar.
Carbs = sugar or in this case Glucose

Eating sugar is like flipping a switch that tells your body to store fat. And sugar is everywhere—not just in soda, candy, and desserts. It's disguised in refined carbohydrates like bread, rice, and pasta, and even in beer and milk. Your body can't tell the difference—it quickly digests and absorbs all these sugars into your bloodstream as glucose.
Here's what happens: Every time you eat sugar, your blood-glucose level rises quickly. In turn, this stimulates the release of insulin, a powerful hormone that signals your body to store fat. There's also a dose response: The more sugar you down at any one time—resulting in a greater rise in blood glucose and, consequently, in insulin—the longer you stay in fat-storage mode.

This isn't Rocket science!! The more sugar you eat/drink the more you're telling your body to store FAT!! But carbs are even worse for you when it comes to producing Glucose. It's a lose, lose situation unless you cut out all sugar and the great majority of carbs.
Don't even get me started on what SUGAR does to you with respect to "diabetes"!!!
