'64 Cuda 225 Pushbutton Fix or Sell?

welcome to the fray - time to get real with yourself - it's a not just a good sized monetary investment, it's a serious time investment too.. to say nothing of the tools you're going to have to have.. mirror mirror, what should I do.. three points to ponder here: you know that old saying - "if you haven't used it in the last 3 years, you're probably not going to"... yea. On the other hand, inside you, you're heart is telling you what to do.. emotions CAN, DO, and WILL get the best of you.. lastly, not having your own garage is actually a pretty big deal.. it's damn near impossible to do a decent restoration and keep a car as rolling chassis.. on the other hand, if it's going to be a "rat rodish" daily driver... good luck soul searcher..