What would you do? Slant performance

While the stock slanty head is restrictive,it can be made to flow,but it takes O/S
valves and KNOWLEDGEABLE porting to do it. It is not some home project for a beginner
w/o a flowbench, that said, they can flow in the low 200's. I have personally gotten 193
cfm out of an external plug casting using a 1.88 max wedge exh. valve in a 3.5" bore,but
that is really too large a valve for the bowl size of the head.That was about 21 yrs. ago,
and I'm about to take another run at that with a smaller 1.81 valve this time.
Lets say we could open up the bore by .850" min., and install 2.08 intakes,wouldn't
that be great? Oh yeah, then we would have this;

