Any soda junkies out there?

yes my goal is like Teeth and Tires said, "I want to be able to walk to the toilet and take a poop by myself till the end!" and have sense enough to find my way there and back, in my HOME!! I know this isn't always possible, but.....

I like the old c owboy that had worked on one of the big Tx. outfits all his life, at bout age 80, he lived in one of their "line shacks", sorta retired if you might. they would check on him every few days. found him one day, lying out in the pasture with his arms folded on his chest. died peacefully. guess he knew his time was up. his horse standing there saddled.....
I figure we would all like to go out with our boots on or a wrench is our hands....doesn't always happen that way...